​​​All breeders listed on this page have agreed to adhere to the “Breeder Code of Ethics” Agreement, stating they will adhere to the Guiding Principles and Breeder Responsibilities as listed in the agreement below.  

HOFA Rescue does not endorse the breeders listed here and cannot police them but if at any anytime you have a concern with one or more of the breeders, please contact the HOFA Breeder Chair.  

Your concerns will be addressed and if just cause has been found that said Breeder is not adhering to these policies, the breeder will be removed from the website.  

Guidelines that ALL breeders listed on the HOFA website have agreed upon:  

Guiding Principles:

1. The breeder should have personal knowledge of each ferret within his/her care. 

2. The breeder should respect each individual ferret and respect the ferret as a domestic species. 

3. The breeder should strive to provide each ferret with the best possible existence through good husbandry and the appropriate sale and adoption programs and education of others. 

4. HOFA Rescue believes that because we, as humans, are entirely responsible for the control of the gene pool of ferrets that once we take a hand in the creation of life (i.e. breeding ferrets) we are responsible for that life for its full lifetime. 

5. HOFA Rescue recommends that the practice of breeding ferrets not be undertaken without careful consideration of the responsibilities involved. 

Breeder Responsibilities:

1. The Breeder should have a thorough knowledge of ferret husbandry. 

The Breeder should have a working relationship with a ferret knowledgeable vet.

2. The breeder should have a breeding plan. The plan should be geared toward improving the ferret as a pet species as follows: 

  • Preservation and enhancement of the species genetic diversity without greatly modifying the original design of the species. ​
  • Documenting and maintaining documented lineage of breeding ferrets. 
  • Avoidance of using ferrets which are genetically deficient. ​
  • Promotion and enhancement of pet qualities, such as a gentle temperament. 

4. The Breeder should be prepared to assume financial and moral responsibilities for adequate housing, maintenance, nutrition, medical and social needs according to established species parameters. 

5. The Breeder should have an appropriate location and facilities for the breeding operation. 

6. The Breeder should be prepared for and committed to spending a substantial amount of time overseeing the breeding, raising and socialization of young ferrets. 

7. The Breeder should not conduct her/his breeding program in a vacuum. He / She should have established relationships with other reputable ferret breeders for advice and support. 

8. When working with another breeder, said breeder should give that breeder credit for breeding and acknowledge that breeder's ferrets if posting publicly by full ferretry name, breeder and/or breeder's prefix.  

9. The Breeder should have the ability to implement a regular veterinary health maintenance program for all ferrets including a vaccination program according to established guidelines. 

10. The Breeder will obtain a written and signed contract on all ferrets placed and must have stated in their contract that all ferrets bred and/or sold by them are to be returned to said breeder if the owner cannot keep or can no longer take care of the ferret properly.   

11. The Breeder agrees to abide by all agreements/contracts with other breeders they may have be they written or understood.



If no Website, will have Facebook link. Others may have a Facebook page but link will be on their Website.

Heart of Ohio Ferret Association

& Rescue, Inc.

Scarlett's Happy Dookers
Delaware, OH
​Breeder: Scarlett Gray-Saling 
(614) 563-5829

Pam VanOverloop Ferrets
West Chester, Ohio 45069
Breeder: Pam VanOverloop

Woodlands Ferretry
Dillsboro, IN 47018
Breeder: Peggy Martin
(812) 438-1299

Four Paws Wrecking Crew

Breeder: Suzy Hahn

Pataskla, OH


The Little Foot Ferretry

​​Breeder: Jamie Krum

Akron, OH  

(330) 800-8268



Steel Crest Ferretry

Breeder:  Billy Rodriquez

St. Cloud, FL

(352) 801-8566



Wild West Weasels

Breeder: Melissa Lindemann

Middletown, OH

​(513) 787-7599



Sugar and Spice Ferretry

Breeder:  Christine Ermine
Watertown, NY


Fearless Ferrets Ferretry

Breeder: Paige Moore

Cincinnati, OH



Middle Earth Ferretry(Angoras)
Breeder: Stephanie Plumb
Franklin, KY
(478) 718-6847

Lakeside Ferretry

​Breeder: Alan Brown

Buffalo, NY


Ya'DerHey Ferrets

Breeder:  Kristine Potter

Sheboygan, WI


WMH Ferretry

Breeder: Shane Hendricks

​Seville, Ohio

​Shane Hendricks on Messinger


